Presentation Materials

Student Presentation

Adult Presentation



All of These Are Made with Fentanyl
Download Here

DEA Drug Emoji Decoded
Download Here

Front: Download Here

24x36 Poster
Download Here

24x30 Poster
Download Here

24x36 Poster
Download Here

24x30 Poster
Download Here

How Childhood Trauma Leads to Addiction - Gabor Maté

Link to YouTube Video

Webinar | Opioids and Early Adversity: Connecting Childhood Trauma and Addiction

Link to YouTube Video

All of These Are Made with Fentanyl
Download Here

Normalizing Drugs -
The Current Crisis
Download Here

Reasons for Drug Use
Download Here

The Best Explanation of Addiction - Gabor Maté

Link to YouTube Video

DEA What Parents Need to Know
Download Here

DEA Fentanyl Drug Fact Sheet
Download Here

DEA Fake Pill Fact Sheet
Download Here

Please contact BTV for more information.

Website Card
These are merely a talking point and means to get the website in front of people. They may be downloaded and printed with an online or local printer.

Poster Boards

Please contact BTV for more information.

BTV materials are for public use. Anyone using these materials does not directly represent BTV. BTV is not liable for any misrepresentation of the materials or actions by anyone giving the presentation. We highly encourage anyone advocating for this cause and using the BTV materials on this site to watch the videos provided and do their own research. Website materials are the property of BTV and are not to be modified in any way without prior authorization.